In the heart of Naju Shrine, from October 20th to 23rd, 2023, the world witnessed a miracle. Devotees, their hearts ablaze with faith, gathered to honor the 37th anniversary of the Blessed Mother's tears of blood. It was a time when the veil between the earthly and the divine seemed to dissolve, leaving a tangible sense of awe and reverence in its wake.
In these sacred moments, the air crackled with a palpable sense of presence. The tears that fell from the eyes of the Blessed Mother were not just droplets; they were liquid prayers, each one carrying the weight of countless hopes and pains. Afflictions that had burdened souls for years found solace in the gentle touch of these divine tears. Hope, perhaps long forgotten, was rekindled in the flicker of each candle's light.
The prayers that echoed through the shrine were not individual whispers; they were a harmonious chorus, rising like incense, merging into a melody of healing and redemption. It was as though the collective faith of every pilgrim had woven a tapestry of miracles, painting the shrine with hues of divine intervention.
The Blessed Mother's tears were more than a phenomenon; they were a testament. They were a testament to the boundless power of faith, capable of turning tears into healing, despair into hope, and pain into peace. In those sacred moments, the world didn't just witness a miracle; it experienced a touch of the divine, reminding everyone that love, faith, and miracles are not distant concepts but living, breathing realities that embrace us in our most vulnerable moments.
나주 성모님의 피눈물 흘리신, 기적적인 37주년을 목격하다
2023년 10월 20일부터 23일까지 나주 성지의 심장부에서, 세상은 기적을 목격하였습니다. 순례자들은 신앙으로 불타오르는 마음을 안고 나주 성모님의 피눈물 37주년을 기념하기 위해 모였습니다. 지상과 하느님사이의 장막이 사라져 놀람과 경외의 감정이 물결쳤던 순간이었습니다.
이 신성한 순간들 속의 공기는 뚜렷한 현존으로 가득 찼습니다. 성모님의 두 눈에서 흘러내리는 눈물은 단순한 물방울들이 아니었습니다. 수많은 희망과 고통의 무게를 짊어진 기도의 액체들이었습니다. 수년간 영혼들을 짓누르던 고통들은 이 신성한 눈물들의 부드러운 손길에서 위안을 찾았습니다. 오랫동안 잊혀져 온 희망은 깜빡이던 각각의 촛불들의 빛 안에서 새롭게 타올랐습니다.
성지에 울려 퍼지는 기도들은 개인들의 속삭임이 아니었습니다. 그것은 치유와 구원의 멜로디로 합쳐져 향이 되어 올라가는 조화로운 합창이었습니다. 그것은 마치 모든 순례자들의 집단적인 믿음이 ‘기적의 태피스트리 (벽걸이 자수의 일종)’를 엮어 내어, 성지를 하느님의 개입의 색으로 물들이는 것처럼 보였습니다.
성모님의 눈물은 현상 이상의 것이었습니다. 그것은 증거였습니다. 그것은 눈물을 치유로, 절망을 희망으로, 고통을 평화로 바꿀 수 있는 믿음의 무한함 힘에 대한 증거였습니다. 그 신성한 순간들 속에서 세상은 단지 기적만을 목격한 것이 아니었습니다. 그것을 통해 세상은 하느님의 손길을 느끼게 되었으며, 사랑과 믿음, 기적이 먼 개념이 아니라 바로 우리의 가장 약한 순간에 우리를 안아 주시는 살아있고 숨 쉬는 현실임을 모든 이가 상기하게 된 것입니다.
Amidst the cacophony of doubts and skepticism, on a personal note, let me reaffirm a truth that resonates deeply. The Apparition of Our Lady of Naju stands as a radiant beacon of hope and faith, illuminating lives across the globe.
Now is the time to believe and to share with those who may harbour doubts that the multitude of miracles, healings, and testimonies that have spread far and wide is not a mere coincidence. The undeniable truth of Our Lady of Naju’s presence has catalyzed transformative experiences, healing wounded spirits, and uplifting countless hearts.
Together, let us forge a unity in disseminating a message that signifies the resilience of hope and the potency of divine intervention. Join us in amplifying the stories of every individual whose lives have been forever altered by the benevolence of Our Lady of Naju. By doing so, we can eclipse the shadows of negativity and amplify the brilliance of truth that radiates through these miraculous occurrences.
This is not just a narrative; it is a tangible reality that reverberates across boundaries. Let us stand united against the tide of skepticism, and boldly proclaim that Our Lady of Naju embodies a true wellspring of hope, healing, and grace.
As scripture says in Matthew 19:13-15;
People brought little children to Jesus, for him to lay his hands on them and say a prayer. The disciples turned them away, but Jesus said, ‘Let the little children alone, and do not stop them coming to me; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.’ Then he laid his hands on them and went on his way.
Therefore, let us not be a hindrance to others who wanted to visit Our Lady of Naju to seek the truth and to strengthen their faith towards Holiness.
의심과 회의감의 소음에도 불구하고, 제가 개인적으로 깊이 공감하는 진실을 재천명하겠습니다. 나주 성모님 발현은 희망과 신앙의 빛나는 등대로써 전 세계의 삶을 밝게 비춘다는 사실입니다.
지금은 믿어야 할 때이며, 널리 퍼져 있는 나주의 수많은 기적과 치유, 그리고 증언들이 단순히 우연이 아니라는 것을, 의심하는 이들과 나누어야 할 때 인 것입니다. 나주 성모님의 현존에 대한 부인할 수 없는 진실은 변화의 경험을 촉진하고 상처받은 영혼을 치유하며 수많은 이들의 마음을 고양시켰습니다.
희망의 회복력과 하느님의 신성한 개입의 능력을 나타내는 메시지를 전파하기 위해 함께 단결합시다. 나주 성모님의 자비로 삶이 영원히 변화된 모든 이들의 이야기를 널리 알리는 데 동참해 주십시오. 그렇게 함으로써 우리는 부정적인 그림자를 가리고 이러한 기적들을 통해 뿜어져 나오는 진실의 광채를 증폭시킬 수 있습니다.
이것은 단순한 이야기가 아닙니다. 경계를 넘어 울려 퍼지고 있는 분명히 실재하는 현실입니다. 회의주의의 물결에 단결하여 맞서고, 나주 성모님께서 희망과 치유, 은총의 참된 원천을 구현하신다는 것을 담대히 선포합시다.
마태오 복음 19:13-15에 보면, 사람들이 어린이들을 예수께 데리고 와서 머리에 손을 얹어 기도해 주시기를 청하였습니다. 제자들이 그들을 나무라자 예수께서는 "어린이들이 나에게 오는 것을 막지 말고 그대로 두어라. 하늘나라는 이런 어린이와 같은 사람들의마태오 복음 19:13-15에 보면, 사람들이 어린이들을 예수께 데리고 와서 머리에 손을 얹어 기도해 주시기를 청하였습니다. 제자들이 그들을 나무라자 예수께서는 "어린이들이 나에게 오는 것을 막지 말고 그대로 두어라. 하늘나라는 이런 어린이와 같은 사람들의
그러므로 진리를 찾고 성덕을 향한 그들의 신앙을 강화하기 위해 나주성모님을 찾아 뵙고자 하는 사람들을 저지하지 않도록 합시다.
On the 30th of June 2023, I had the privilege of attending the 38th Anniversary of the Blessed Mother’s weeping tears at Naju Shrine, South Korea.
The event was graced by the presence of numerous devoted attendees. Throughout the gathering, remarkable instances of miracles and healings unfolded.
As a representative of the Istana Mataram Kingdom, I am eager to share the profound experience of this remarkable event with our esteemed legacy. This endeavour goes beyond the sharing of our culture; it encompasses a journey to elevate our faith.
By imparting the wonders of this event, we only not contribute to our cultural heritage, but also deepen our collective faith, adding a meaningful chapter to our storied history.
한국 나주 성지에서 열린, 나주 성모님 눈물 흘리신 38주년 기념일에 이스타나 마타람 왕국을 대표하여,
2023년 6월 30일 저는 한국 나주 성지에서 열린 성모님 눈물 흘리신 38주년 기념일에 참석하는 특권을 가졌습니다. 수많은 신자들의 참석으로 이번 기념 행사는 성황리에 이루어졌습니다. 모임 내내 놀라운 기적과 치유의 사례들이 펼쳐졌습니다.
이스타나 마타람 왕국의 대표로서 저는 이 놀라운 사건의 심오한 경험을 우리의 귀한 유산과 공유하기를 간절히 원하는 바 입니다. 이러한 노력은 우리 문화를 공유하는 것 이상입니다. 그것은 우리의 신앙을 고양시키기 위한 여정을 아우릅니다.
이 경이로운 일들을 전함으로써 우리의 문화유산에 기여 할 뿐만 아니라 공동체적 신앙을 심화하고 우리 역사에 의미 있는 장을 추가할 것입니다.
In a world often clouded with doubt, Rev. Fr. Paul’s testimony shines as a radiant beacon of hope and faith. From the heart of South Korea’s Naju, where the Blessed Mother’s presence is felt deeply, comes an awe-inspiring account of a life-changing miracle.
Join us as we step into Rev. Fr. Paul’s shoes, who bravely faced Stage 4 Cancer. Against all odds, he witnessed the unimaginable—his cancer vanished, his body healed. Through the Beanie of All Signs of Grace from Naju and the heartfelt prayers of Mama Julia, Rev. Fr. Paul’s life took an incredible turn.
This is not just a story; it’s a living testament to the miraculous intercession of the Blessed Mother. Through her grace, we witness the unexplainable and embrace the undeniable power of faith.
Let Rev. Fr Paul’s journey inspire us all to hold onto hope, to believe in the miraculous, and to let our hearts open to the divine. May this testimony ignite our own faith and serve as a reminder that the Blessed Mother’s love knows no bounds.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of The Mataram Kingdom and Luke Alexander Corporation, to the Vietnam Fire Rescue Police Department (VFRPD) for their gracious welcome. This significant visit is dedicated to fostering a collaborative partnership and enhancing communication channels for the exchange of insights and ideas in the realm of Fire Safety and Rescue.
We would like to extend special recognition to the following distinguished representatives from VFRPD:
On the 27th of July, 2022, a momentous gathering of esteemed Royal members took place, uniting in Ipoh, Malaysia. Among the dignitaries present were: HM Wirabhumi, HM Gusti Moertiyah Pakubuwono, KPA William Marie Chong Adinagoro, Gusti Kanjeng Ratu Koes Timoer Rumbai Kusuma Dewayani, and YAS TPjB Dato’ Edwin Galan Teruk.
This gathering brought together these illustrious individuals, along with other esteemed members of Istana Mataram. It marked a significant moment of unity and collaboration, further strengthening the bonds within the Royal Family and the Kingdom.
In a significant diplomatic event, Indonesian royal dignitaries embarked on a visit to the Emirate of Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates on January 22, 2019. The purpose of this visit was to explore potential collaborations aimed at fostering socio-economic and cultural development between the two kingdoms.
Leading the delegation from the Kingdom of Istana Mataram in Indonesia were Her Majesty Koes M. Pakubuwono and His Majesty Wirabhumi. They were warmly received by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Sultan AlQassimi, the Prince of Sharjah, signifying the importance of this diplomatic endeavour.
This visit marked an important step towards strengthening ties and facilitating future partnerships between Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates, with the potential to bring about positive developments in various spheres, including culture and socio-economic cooperation.
The primary objective of this momentous visit was to facilitate discussions on enhancing economic and cultural cooperation between the distinguished Kingdom of Istana Mataram and the esteemed Emirate of Sharjah. Presently, Istana Mataram has undertaken a series of pioneering initiatives aimed at improving the lives of its people, with particular attention to marginalized segments of society.
These commendable initiatives encompass a comprehensive range of Social, Economic, and Cultural Development Programs. Their overarching goal is to provide effective pathways for poverty alleviation by generating employment opportunities, fostering the growth of local businesses, and ensuring access to education, social welfare, and healthcare services.
Witnessing the earnest endeavours undertaken by the Kingdom of Istana Mataram and sharing a profound commitment to serving their respective constituents, the Prince of Sharjah has expressed unwavering support for these vital programs and other initiatives spearheaded by the Royal Family.
Istana Mataram takes immense pride in its culturally rich history, a legacy it strives to nurture for generations to come. With these transformative programs already in motion, doors of opportunity are poised to swing wide open, promising sustainable growth for both the economy and society at large.
In a historic convergence of royal legacies, the distinguished Royal Families from across the globe are coming together for a momentous initiative. This gathering is poised to mark the commencement of an exciting chapter in the annals of history - the dawn of the "New Era of Economic, Cultural, and Tourism Programmes."
As custodians of deep-rooted traditions, rich cultural heritage, and esteemed lineages, these Royal Families recognize the transformative power they possess in fostering progress, not only within their respective realms but on a global scale. This unprecedented assembly signifies a shared commitment to harness their collective influence to drive forward economic development, celebrate and preserve cultural legacies, and promote the allure of tourism on a grand scale.
This introduction marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey as these Royal Families unite their strengths, visions, and aspirations. Together, they aim to create a brighter and more prosperous future, where the treasures of culture and the promise of economic growth converge harmoniously, leaving an indelible mark on history.
On the auspicious day of April 13, 2018, the resplendent MATARAM Palace witnessed the dawning of a new era, one that promises economic prosperity, cultural preservation, and a thriving tourism industry for Indonesia. This historic royal ceremony, held at Wisma Boga, extended a warm invitation to global investors, heralding a collaborative journey toward progress.
The grand event was gracefully inaugurated by Her Majesty Koes M. Pakubuwono, His Most Royal Highness, His Majesty Wirabhumi, and the esteemed Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati (Grand Prince) William Marie Chong Adinagoro.
Under the overarching theme "New Era of Economic Culture and Tourism Programs," a total of 17 visionary initiatives were unveiled, each with a unique role in shaping the future of Indonesia's economy. These programs encompassed a wide spectrum, from aviation and hospitality to cultural preservation and healthcare. Notable programs included the Royal Mataram Airport, Royal Mataram Airlines, Twin Theme Park, and the Promotion of Javanese Cultural Heritage and Tourism, among others.
The collective aim of these endeavours is ambitious yet achievable: to captivate the hearts of five million foreign tourists by the year 2025. The ceremony not only marked the rebirth of Istana Mataram but also ignited a beacon of hope for a prosperous and culturally vibrant Indonesia on the global stage.
On the 8th of December, 2016, a prestigious delegation led by HM Wirabhumi, Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati (Grand Prince) William Marie Chong Adinagoro, and four Queens embarked on a historic journey to Xingning City. The highlight of this visit was a pivotal forum that fostered cultural exchange and economic discussions. The Royal delegation was warmly accompanied by representatives from the United Front Work Department, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau, and the Returned Overseas Chinese Federation.
During the meeting, attendees were treated to a captivating video presentation showcasing the transformation of Xihe Bay from wilderness to a thriving Hakka cultural scenic spot. This visual journey illuminated the dedication and artistry behind Xihe Bay's design and construction process.
The head of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau, speaking on behalf of the municipal government, extended a hearty welcome to the Indonesian Royal delegation. He expressed joy at their arrival, emphasizing the strong ties between Xingning and the Indonesian community, particularly in Surakarta. Xingning's pristine ecological environment, rich culture, and abundant tourism resources were highlighted as prime investment opportunities.
Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati (Grand Prince) William Marie Chong Adinagoro, in response, underscored Surakarta's significant overseas Chinese population, many of whom have roots in Xingning. He expressed a desire to import Xingning's expertise in ecological development back to Solo and encouraged Xingning entrepreneurs to explore investment and cooperation opportunities in Surakarta.
Subsequently, Grand Prince William and his entourage embarked on a visit to Xihe Bay. During an interview, he shared his deep fascination with Chinese culture, having studied it for several years and visited China extensively. His visit to Xingning left an indelible impression.
Prince of Mataram, Indonesia, Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati (Grand Prince) William Marie Chong Adinagoro, expressed his admiration for Xingning's beauty and the genuine warmth of its people. He praised the city's cultural and artistic contributions and discussed potential collaborations in the development of a theme park. He envisioned a future of exchange and cooperation between Hakka communities and entrepreneurs, strengthening ties between the two nations.
In a warm and cordial meeting, Committee Zhang Wenguang extended a gracious welcome on behalf of the municipal government. He proudly introduced Meizhou as the "hometown of culture," "hometown of overseas Chinese," "hometown of football," and the starting point of The Belt and Road. He noted the substantial community of Meixian compatriots in Indonesia and expressed genuine pleasure at the delegation's arrival.
Zhang emphasized Meizhou's standing as a prime destination for investment, highlighting its vast market potential and abundant tourism resources. He also mentioned the introduction of Indonesian language courses at Meixian Foreign Language School, fostering educational and cultural ties. Zhang envisioned substantial progress in education, commerce, tourism, and more through enhanced communication and collaboration.
Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati (Grand Prince) William Marie Chong Adinagoro, in response, articulated the primary purpose of their visit: to gain insights into Meizhou's economic and tourism development, ultimately seeking opportunities for exchange and cooperation. Upon their arrival, the delegation visited Meixian Foreign Language School and Fairview International Furnishing City.
Grand Prince William expressed his admiration for Meizhou's cultural ambiance and investment environment, lauding the city's rich heritage. He conveyed his honor at visiting Meizhou, renowned as the "hometown of culture," and aspired for strengthened collaboration between China and Indonesia. Grand Prince William highlighted Mataram's own cultural wealth, land resources, and strategic location, envisioning future partnerships in culture, tourism, commerce, health, and more.
During their time in Meizhou, the delegation furthered their understanding of Meizhou's culture, tourism, and business resources through visits to Meixian Yannanfei tea field, Dapu Guanyin Mountain, and Xingning Xihe Bay. This fruitful exchange promises to pave the way for deeper cooperation between the two regions.
During the meeting, Kanjeng Pangeran Adipati (Grand Prince) William Marie Chong Adinagoro said that the main purpose of their trip is to understand the economic and tourism development in Meizhou, seeking exchanges and cooperation between the two sides. After arriving in Meizhou, the delegation visited Meixian foreign language school and Fairview international Furnishing City.
His first impression of Meizhou was very good, and he really appreciated the cultural atmosphere and the investment environment of Meizhou. He said it was a great honour to come to Meizhou, which was known as the “hometown of culture”. He hoped this visit could strengthen exchanges and cooperation between China and Indonesia. Mataram also had a rich culture, land resources, and a convenient route. He hoped the two sides could strengthen exchanges and cooperation in culture, tourism, commerce, health, and other aspects in the future.
During the period in Meizhou, the delegation also visited the Meixian Yannanfei tea field, Dapu Guanyin Mountain, and Xingning Xihe Bay to understand the Meizhou culture, tourism and business resources etc.